What is the best thing to do for my curly hair?

Are You Lazy? Or just in a Rut!
I heard Mell say, in one of her Manes by Mell videos, that you can’t be lazy with your hair and expect good results. I needed to hear that! I realized I was lazy with my hair- I just wanted a product to solve everything. I didn’t want to “fuss”. I really didn’t want to do any new steps or process or technique of any kind.
Wait a minute though, I was already doing some steps and techniques- or else how did I get my hair clean? And why would I stay so committed to those steps and techniques when the results weren’t what I wanted? Why was I so resistant to change?! Well, because I’m human- we are human- but that’s another topic for another blog!
Creating Your Curly Girl Routine
There are answers to every hair question you have. Realize that yes, there are some steps to take, there are techniques and tips that will help you get better results. By taking the time now to do a little research on your biggest hair challenges, you will save many hours and avoid frustration for years to come. You will have more confidence! And as you do it more, it will become as easy as your current routine. Because you do have a routine! But if you don’t like your results, it’s not the RIGHT routine.
Expand Your Horizon!
Get the tools that will help you get good results more quickly and more consistently.
And buy accessories! Scarves, barrettes, clips, scrunchies, head bands, ZazzyBandz, wraps…
Get the good stuff: Why do we skimp on things we use every day, and then pay $10 for a cup of coffee without blinking?! Get the good blow dryer. Hang the side mirror. Set up your hair goodies where you can see them. Spend a little time working on that messy bun look, so that next time it will be faster. What is a sporty look that you like? Do it a few times- and then you have your go-to sporty look. There are so many things we don’t do, not because they are impossible, but because we haven’t done them enough times to do them without thinking about it. Well, DO THEM! It won’t take that many times, and you will have a new go-to look for days that you decide you ARE going to go for the bike ride.
Bathroom Karaoke
And- make it more fun when you are fixing your hair! I know you have a phone; play some favorite music. Put on your karaoke app. Listen to something inspirational. Watch a movie or show you love. I know the blow dryer is loud- so sing! It’s a great time to bop around and belt a few tunes out. Smile at yourself!! You’re looking in the mirror- why are you so serious?
A Strong Foundation: Your Hair Care Routine!
I can get my hair done, enough, in 10 minutes, to run out the door and let it finish drying in the car with great results! If I’m not running out the door, I can be 80-90% dry in 20 minutes with hair ready for anything!
Here is my go-to routine. The products vary- but this process is what works for me. Now, don’t be lazy! Do a little bit of research on hair care routines for your hair type, try out a few- and then you will find a routine that works for you. Try this one out, see what works, what doesn’t. Build on that!
- In shower, I shampoo and condition. While conditioner is in my hair, I brush out knots- especially those bad ones under my hair in the back. The conditioner helps tremendously!
- While hair is wet from the shower, after shampoo and conditioner are rinsed out, I add a leave-in curl cream or leave-in conditioner and rake through, roots to ends.
- I then add a strong hold gel, making sure to rake through, roots to ends.
- I do a loose towel wrap to get my hair up and off my face to throw a little makeup on, take clothes out of the closet. This also gets it past being dripping wet.
- Then: run a brush through hair to get some clumps and to smooth out the strands- especially the roots on top. I don’t do sections- this is a quick step. A paddle brush or Denman brush work equally well for this. Then gently shake out so hair isn’t plastered to my head!
If your hair is frizzy wet, it will be frizzy dry! If you see frizz at this step, rewet your hair and brush through again to smooth out.
- I use the AuBonacci Styler on my roots. It can take me a couple of passes to get the roots lifted and going in the directions I want- my hair is very heavy when wet! But as I continue to develop my technique with the AuBonacci, I am able to do all the work with the styler, picking up the hair, doing the rotation, etc.
- I diffuse the rest of my curls, usually 80-90% dry.
- Last step is a quick shot of hair spray, making sure I get the roots too, and then a quick diffuse to dry it; I get better results this way. I like Aussie Instant Freeze- it keeps humidity at bay a bit longer, keeps my curls defined, keeps that lift at the roots and helps keep frizz away.
Curly Hair Refresh
Of course, depending on a day in your curly life, or a night, a pillow, maybe a bike ride, etc., your hair will probably need a refresh at some point. To refresh the root areas for lift and frizz, wet your hair, brush through to smooth, and then use the AuBonacci to style those spots. The water will reactivate your product, and you will feel it in your hair when you brush through.
If it is just a few hairs that are acting up, I will wet my fingers and run them down those strands. Again, this reactivates the product and calms down the frizz. If you haven’t tried this before, it can seem like a lot of trouble, but once you’ve done it a few times you will find it a great quick fix that has a nice impact on the overall look.
If it is just a refresh or touchup for more lift or to redirect a curl on top or around my face, and no frizz, I rewet that area – not even the length of the section, just the root area- and use the styler.
My Curly Hair Journey
People talk about the curly hair journey, and that it took their hair so long to finally respond, but I think it’s more about how long it takes to figure out what you need to do, and then, what you are willing to do, to get better results. Keep going until you know what to do with YOUR curly hair!
Live Curly! - Lisa